What should I do if the customer's QR code doesn't work?
If the Wish Local app can't scan the customer's QR code or displays that a QR code is invalid, please do not give the customer the order.
To confirm that the QR code doesn't work, be sure to check your WiFi connection and attempt the scan once more. You may also download the Wish Local app onto another mobile device from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and attempt to scan from that device.
Please note, if a customer has their device in dark mode, it may make their customer QR code unreadable. Please ask the customer to adjust their phone settings so you can scan their customer QR code with the Wish Local app. We also recommend that you ask the customer to raise the brightness of their device if necessary.
If neither of these steps are successful, the order is likely canceled and should not be given to the customer. Please have the customer contact support@wish.com or Wish customer support through their Wish shopping app if they feel there is an error.
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